Visit the AMS Team pages, Electives page and Special Education page to meet the teachers. Visit the Counselor Corner to meet the school counselors and learn about enrollment, services and more.
Tammy Schmidt - Language Arts
Mitchell Schinstock - Math
Joshua Runyan- Science
Miranda Engeman - Social Studies
Melissa Galitzer - Language Arts
Caleb Shelton - Math
Shane Fairchild - Science
Lyndsey Saunders - Social Studies
Cora Johnston - Language Arts
Russell Soppe - Math
Mike Pickler - Science
Erin Shilling - Social Studies
Nancy Campbell - Language Arts
Caleb Gieber - Math
Jacob Stroda - Science
Luke Snyder - Social Studies
Steffani Kohls - Language Arts
Eli Fort - Math
Terri Keeley - Science
Dr. Casey Ewy - Social Studies
Tracy Tauschek - Language Arts
Angie Miller - Math
Susan Crauer - Science
Cheri Koppes - Social Studies
Noraliz Ayala - Spanish
Lisa Bieatu - Guided Study Hall
Crissie Blomquist - Physical Education
Devin Burr - Band
Bethany Cortez - Family and Consumer Science
Alex Debes - Math Lab
Meggan Eilert - Exploring STEM
Trevor Gray – PE / Health
Julie Head - Reading Lab
Tony Ingram - Physical Education
Jay Koupal - Band
Shana Lander - Vocal Music
Stacey Larkin - Art
Francesca Matrone - Keyboarding/STEM
Angela Moore - Art
Courtney Montgomery - ESOL
Kelly Moylan - Physical Education
Denise Omli - Computer Science
Aubrie Nichols - Orchestra
Janet Peterson - Family and Consumer Science
Amarelis Rivera – Math ESOL
Taylor Satterthwaite - Physical Education
Amanda Seiler - Health
Ethan Sharp- Physical Education
Daniel Solis - Writing
Cody Toll - Orchestra
Mission Statement:
It is our mission to prepare each student to be a contributing member of society and to participate successfully in our local, as well as the global, community. We direct students to achieve academic skills while at the same time facilitate their social and emotional development, with a goal of becoming lifelong learners.
Our students are educated in a school community where everyone belongs and is accepted. Every attempt is made to educate students with special education needs in the least restrictive (inclusive education) environment. Our primary goal is to integrate them into general education classes; however we make modifications and provide supplementary aids and services in an effort to foster success.
Kim Belanger - Gifted Teacher
Jenny Birk - Resource Teacher
Jessica Boone - Social Worker
Richard Carlson - Resource Teacher
Justin DePauw - School Psychologist
Susan Farr - Life Skills Teacher
Kimberly Gullion – Social Worker
Karen Hastings - Resource Teacher
Melinda Huber - Life Skills Teacher
Jessica Jones - Resource Teacher
Kristie King - Physical Therapist
Aram Kokuzian - Gifted Teacher
Christina Meyers - Resource Teacher
Julie Myers - Resource Teacher
Molly Ryan - Physical Therapist
Alison Soppe - Physical Therapist
Delcinea Trout - Empower Teacher
Rachel Whetstone - Resource Teacher
Noah Wright - Resource Teacher